Archive for March 7th, 2009

Italian government economic funds

The Italian government on Friday 6/2/09 made a major intervention into the Italian Economy. Italy as everywhere else is struggling through the global crisis and finally Berlusconi’s government have made positive moves forward to assist the economy in Italy.  17.8 billion euros allocated  to funding for a major public works program.

The package was approved by the cabinet after it received a go-ahead from the interministerial economic committee Cipe earlier in the day.

Funding for the program is a mix of public and private resources, with infrastructure projects in southern Italy, including the Messina bridge linking Sicily to Reggio Calabria on the mainland, receiving some 49% of the public cash. A project that has been on the pipeline for years approved in 2003, cancelled by Prodi in 2006 and now lets hope will go ahead. Concerns over the involvment of the Mafia Read the rest of this entry »

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